Trends that will shape the future of information technology

Information technology has reached its peak in the last decade or so. Will this be the case in the next decade as well? What is the future of IT?

IT trends have undergone significant changes over the years, changing from end to end. New technologies are making their way into the industry, while archaic ones are losing relevance. 

The pandemic has also affected this sector, as well as other sectors such as security, e-commerce, education, healthcare, etc. 

This article outlines recent trends that show signs of building the future of IT. Readers will learn about the technologies that will drive a business and how automation will significantly affect this industry.

10 trends shaping the future of information technology

Data security 

Data security has been a very intricate part of Information technology, and recent trends have shown that it will be even strengthened with its bright prospect. Keeping the customers’ as well as the business data safe and secure is of utmost importance. There is full potential that data security is even more enhanced so that customers and businesses enjoy a more reliable environment. Huge investments are being made to enhance data security. 


Automation will play a key role in the future of information technology, as can be seen from recent trends. The industry has already realized that reducing manual labor will automatically increase business efficiency. The data science technology sector will mainly benefit from the automation craze in companies. 

Data science will enhance new automation tools, such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, which will help business scientists and experts to be even more accurate in data analysis.

Data privacy 

We have kept data security and privacy separate, as there are differences between the two, especially in technology and approach. Data privacy will gain a new layer as the California Consumer Privacy Act and the General Data Protection Regulation have caused new advances in this field. 

Data will play a central role in the future of information technology. It will bring forth modern ideas for automated solutions to ensure compliance with legislation and regulations. 

Analytics and Big Data 

Analytics and big data are another noteworthy trend in Information Technology. Big data is key to unveil correlations, patterns and confidential insights, such as customer acquisition data, etc. 

Analyzing an organization’s new opportunities becomes easy with big data and analytics, as they can leverage the most hidden business information. Information technology depends primarily on big data analytics, and this dependence is likely to increase in the future.

Social media 

Social media is influencing people’s daily lives and has begun to do the same with information technology. Companies’ direct interaction with potential customers will take place entirely through various social media platforms. 

According to recent statistics, social media has a 54 percent impact on a person’s purchase decision. The percentage is expected to increase. Nearly 80% of customers said that social media posts play an important role in their purchasing opinion. 

Software architecture

The phase of change in information technology is following the path of transformation of monolithic architecture to microservices. For example, MLSDev recently stated that mobile application development services will depend entirely on microservice architecture. 

Monolithic architecture is losing its viability with the current pace of information technology and will soon become obsolete. It is being replaced by those architectures that can be thoroughly reused inside and outside organizations. 

Cloud Computing 

Data security and privacy settings are changing, as is the storage and function of data. The simplest form of infrastructure solutions will soon be replaced by cloud computing, as information systems have already shifted their focus. 

Micro solutions such as Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-service will make their way into the IT industry. 

Reliance on these micro solutions will give businesses a functional boost and increase flexibility for less expense. 

User experience 

User experience is critical in any customer-related business sector, and IT is no stranger to it. It has the reasonable potential to shape the future of IT. 

User experience largely improves business efficiency, which means improving the customer experience and the company’s interactions with services. For this, companies are implementing a complex approach and changing their services to make them highly customer-centric.  

Internet of Things (IoT)

These devices help exchange and connect information. The IoT came to attention in 1999 and has undergone several changes and advancement processes over the years. Web connection is now essential in every electronic device to facilitate operations. 

According to recent IoT reports, 30 billion electronic devices will be connected by the end of 2020. The market value of IoT has been estimated at as much as US$7.1 trillion. 

Machine learning

The true definition of machine learning is complex. However, it is one of the best technology tools that help companies make correct decisions and hopeful anticipations using data. 

Data is the most valuable thing in IT, and Machine Learning helps to use it correctly. Machine Learning can also be used to upgrade devices and machines to improve their functionality with the help of Artificial Intelligence. If accuracy is the destination of the future, Machine Learning will be the cart to get there.

Conclusion: The clear picture of the future of information technology

Modern technology will have an excellent effect on information technology. By studying trends, it is clear that technology-based fields will always be undergoing change. Innovations such as virtual reality, the Internet of Things, machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, biometrics, augmented reality, and blockchain will impact this sector and transform it for the better.  

The automation process will rely on elements such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, while privacy and security will be ensured by Blockchain technology. The future of IT jobs can also be inferred from recent trends. Overall, we can say that the future of information technology looks bright and prosperous.